Kantola Training

Workplace Harassment and Discrimination

California, Maine and Connecticut require management training not only in issues involving Workplace Harassment and Discrimination but also in Workplace Bullying. The three state specific courses are compliant with these state requirements. The fourth course is shorter but appropriate for all other states.

EPRMA Harassment & Discrimination Registration Instructions



Separate registration is involved in taking any of these courses. Learners are required to enter the email address of their supervisor. Care should be taken to correctly spell and format that email address. The learner can download a certificate upon completion and has the responsibility to inform their supervisor. You will not receive notification directly.


You must register separately to take any of these courses. Your supervisor should advise you which one is appropriate. You are required to enter the email address of your supervisor. Care should be taken to correctly spell and format that email address. Upon completion, you can download a certificate and you have the responsibility to inform their supervisor.
Sample Harassment & Discrimination Training Topics

•    Compliance Training for Management
•    Compliance Training for Managers
•    Serious Legal Considerations
•    Importance of Human Resources Departments


Training Login  (Ctrl-Click to follow Link to Create an Account)


For each chapter you will view videos with scenarios to help you understand the different meanings of harassment and be given “What do you think?” questions as well as easy to understand tests.

Once you complete all chapters you will be given the opportunity to print your certificate.

For information on CredentialCheck’s criminal background services available through your EPRMA membership, please visit www.eprma.org/credential-check

Administrator:  Various Administration Instructions, Help Center

After setting up your training account and completing the training, you can go back into your account and click on continue.  Note:  Do not use a URL to go directly into this site.

This will bring you to the Help Center where you will find complete instructions for your own needs.  You will be able to:

Go to Company SettingsDetails: Where you will be able to designate a Secondary Contact Person, Upload you Company Logo, Upload or change your Company Policy (which will have to be read by the learner in order for them to print their Certificate.

Go to Company SettingsGroups:  Where you will be able to Modify Groups, administer Training to Groups, assign courses with a due date and notify all learners.

Go to Users:  Where you will perform most of your Administrative Actions.  This page shows a list of currently listed learners and administrators.  You will be able to modify their details; add or remove course assignments, add or remove users and send your users email notifications that include their username, password, course assignment and instructions on logging in to complete their training.  You will also be able to add users, yourself, one at a time or upload bulk users.



For any questions regarding what you’ve read here, please contact us at info@eprma.org