EPRMA Membership Delivers Real Value to Its Members

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A Non-profit Association Formed in Illinois as a Risk Purchasing Group

Any business domiciled in the United States is eligible to become a member. As a member, you have access to the Helpline, EPRMA Training, and the ability to buy EPLI insurance as a member of the EPRMA association.

The most common way to become a member is through an affinity group that has negotiated group membership through the affinity group. Groups as diverse as the California Medical Association and the Michigan Auto Dealers Self Insurance Fund have negotiated group membership.

We also accept non-affiliated members. You can receive more information about EPRMA, or request membership by emailing Caroline Murray. Finally, we can process your membership over the phone:

Other useful numbers:

  • Legal Helpline 1-844-282-2230
  • Employment Practices Risk Management Association—phone 844-288-9838

To Start the Application Process Today

  • Email Caroline Murray or call Caroline at 312-431-1767 to learn about association benefits, registration and membership fees.

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