Workplace Employment Practices

Did you know that businesses are three times more likely to be sued by an employee than experience a fire? And did you know the average cost of an employment liability lawsuit rose 26 percent over the past three years? Employment Practices Training from EPRMA can help your organization prevent claims of wrongful termination, workplace harassment, wage and hour violations, improper discipline and discrimination.

EPRMA Employment Practices Training

At EPRMA, we have a proven track record with online training modules, recognized by the EEOC and top legal experts. As an EPRMA member, you and you manager have immediate access to on-line training. This service will document your participation –  a fact that may be important if you ever have a charge, complaint or suit. Get started today by logging in here:

Training Login

Sample Employment Practices Training Topics

  • Introduction to EPLI situations and law firm support
  • Wage & Hour: Payroll Basics, Time-Keeping – Advanced, Deductions & Minors
  • Employee Discipline
  • Employee Termination
  • Workplace Harassment and Discrimination Prevention